Use Any Gem You Want!

Ask And Ye Shall Receive… gems that is. The `merge_gem` feature is now in production and ready for use allowing you to use any gem you want. It will use the gems on your local file system so whatever you have available locally you can use. It’s very easy to use: More info. Note: If…

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Why IronWorker is Better than Heroku Workers / Delayed Job

Overview First off, I would like to say that we use and love Heroku, the system they’ve built is game-changing and 100% awesome, but their worker system is limited and does not meet our needs. Here are the top 4 reasons why IronWorker is better than Heroku’s worker system and Delayed Job (Heroku’s system is…

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Worker Queues as a Key Variable

Anyone working on a serious web app knows that a worker queue makes up a key component within the app architecture. So important is it that the infrastructure equation is typically broken into servers, workers, and datastores. Sure, there are other components and line items (cdn, bandwidth, etc) that an app can’t do within, but…

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Worker Example Library on Github

We’ve created a public github repository for SimpleWorker example code. There are a few samples in there right now and we’ll keep adding to it and we welcome any contributions as well!  If you have a worker you’d like to share, fork the project, add your worker example, then send us a pull request.

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SimpleWorker is now a Heroku Add-on!

Now you can start using SimpleWorker in your Heroku apps with minimal effort. It’s currently in private beta as an add-on, but let us know if you want to try it and we’ll try to get you on the list. More information.

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The Ruby Compute Cloud

One of the main uses of SimpleWorker is as a worker queue for running background jobs within a web application. A second use — and one that marks a big shift in the cloud — is that of a Ruby Compute Cloud.

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Autoload Rails Models for Super Easy Rails Integration

SimpleWorker will now include all the models in your Rails app automatically so you don’t have to merge them manually. Just use them almost as if they were to be run locally and you’re good to go. eg; class MyWorker < SimpleWorker::Base attr_accessor :user_id def run # User model will automatically be available, so just…

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SimpleWorker Usage Pattern Graph

SimpleWorker is a job queuing and scheduling system so while a lot of work comes in at random times usually based on some event in their system (ie: a user clicks a button), there are a lot of scheduled jobs too and those scheduled jobs have a huge affect on the capacity requirements for SimpleWorker.…

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Parallelizing Ruby on the Cloud

So I’m sure we’ve all had the need to want to run multiple threads at once to optimize a part of our applications. There are several options like spinning up new Ruby threads (example from):

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