IronWorker, IronMQ, and IronCache Now Available on Digital Ocean Marketplace

As promised on our Linkedin, we are thrilled to announce that IronWorker, IronMQ, and IronCache are now available as Add-ons in the Digital Ocean Marketplace! This exciting integration brings powerful tools to developers using Digital Ocean, making it easier than ever to build, deploy, and scale applications.

Iron on Digital Ocean

IronWorker, IronMQ, and IronCache on Digital Ocean MarketPlace

About Digital Ocean

Digital Ocean is a cloud infrastructure provider that simplifies cloud computing for developers. With its user-friendly interface, competitive pricing, and robust infrastructure, Digital Ocean has become a go-to choice for startups, SMBs, and even large enterprises. Now, with the inclusion of services, Digital Ocean continues to enhance its offerings to help developers streamline their workflows.

Meet the Trio


IronWorker is a powerful task queue that lets you run background jobs, process data, and handle batch-processing tasks asynchronously. Whether you need to send emails, process images, or crunch numbers, IronWorker is designed to handle these tasks efficiently, freeing up your main application to focus on real-time user interactions.


IronMQ is a high-performance message queue designed to handle massive volumes of messages effortlessly. It ensures reliable communication between different parts of your application, whether you’re working with microservices, serverless architectures, or traditional monolithic applications. With features like push queues, long polling, and retries, IronMQ ensures your messages are delivered reliably and efficiently.


IronCache is an elastic, scalable, highly available, persistent, and secure cloud-based key/value store. IronCache grows with you on-demand, doesn’t evict items (they only expire), and ensures you’ll never need to rebuild your cache. It’s great for persistent and reliable incrementors/counters and can be accessed through an easy-to-use REST interface.

How Services Simplify Your Life as a Digital Ocean Developer

Integrating IronWorker, IronMQ, and IronCache into your Digital Ocean projects can significantly simplify your development process. Here’s how:

  • Effortless Scaling

    With IronWorker, you can offload heavy processing tasks, allowing your application to scale effortlessly. For instance, a social media app can use IronWorker to process user-uploaded images in the background, ensuring the app remains responsive.

  • Reliable Messaging

    IronMQ ensures reliable communication between different parts of your application. For example, an e-commerce platform can use IronMQ to handle order processing, ensuring messages are not lost and tasks are completed in sequence.

  • Boosted Performance

    IronCache is ideal for high-performance applications like caching and real-time analytics. It’s faster than relational databases for simple queries.

Getting Started

Adding services to your Digital Ocean projects is straightforward. Simply visit the Digital Ocean Marketplace and add IronWorker, IronMQ, or IronCache to your setup. Follow the easy integration steps, and you’ll be up and running in no time. Services on Heroku and Azure Marketplace

In addition to Digital Ocean, Iron services are also available on Heroku (IronWorker, IronMQ, and IronCache) and Azure Marketplace (IronWorker, IronMQ, and IronCache). This means you can leverage the same powerful tools across different cloud platforms, ensuring flexibility and consistency in your development workflow.


The inclusion of IronWorker, IronMQ, and IronCache in the Digital Ocean Marketplace is a game-changer for developers. These powerful services streamline background processing, reliable messaging, and efficient caching, making it easier than ever to build high-performance, scalable applications. If you’re using DigitalOcean - visit its Marketplace today to get started with and supercharge your development process.

Happy coding!


About Korak Bhaduri

Korak Bhaduri, Director of Operations at, has been on a continuous journey exploring the nuances of serverless solutions. With varied experiences from startups to research and a foundation in management and engineering, Korak brings a thoughtful and balanced perspective to the blog.

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