A Guide to Python Message Queues | Iron.io

Did you know that Iron.io supports a huge range of programming languages, including Ruby, PHP, and Python? That’s why we get a lot of queries about Python message queues and their functionality. Python is a popular language for web and software development, workflow creation, and the development of web-based applications. We’ve taken a look at how Python…

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Task scheduling on Heroku

Task scheduling on Heroku

Table of Contents Task Scheduling Overview Simple Job Scheduling Custom Clock Processes Clock Processes on Heroku Add-ons Language Support Advantages of Using IronMQ Task Scheduling Overview Scheduling and automating background tasks are critical components for creating and maintaining a dependable and efficient product. Yet still, it may be challenging to get started and choose when…

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IronWorker CaaS Worker: SideKiq Setup

IronWorker CaaS Worker: SideKiq Setup

In this article, we will tell you the steps you need to set up SideKiq for IronWorker.   to try a free 14 day trial of Iron.io click here Setup Outline: Create a new Ruby Project Write the code Run the worker Queue a message Notes Security Pros & Cons Achieve Cloud Elasticity with Iron…

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IronWorker CaaS Worker: Google Cloud Function Setup

IronWorker CaaS Worker: Google Cloud Function Setup

In this article, we will tell you the steps you need to set up Google Cloud Function for IronWorker. Setup Outline: Enable Cloud Functions API Create a Cloud Function Limits Costs Notes Security Pros & Cons 1. Enable Cloud Function API First, we need to enable Cloud Function API. Go to “APIs & Services” From…

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Heroku vs Docker: Which is Best for Developers?

Heroku vs Docker: Which is Best for Developers?

Heroku and Docker are both container-based development environments, ideal for developers to deploy applications without needing the resources required for virtual machines or physical servers. Containers are flexible, scalable, and because they contain a kernel of the operating system in each container, work seamlessly across a range of devices. But how do developers know which development environment is best for them?…

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Google Cloud Run vs. Heroku

Google Cloud Run vs. Heroku

Choosing the right serverless platform for containerised applications can be tough. We’ve picked two of the most popular: Heroku, one of the first Platform as a Service (PaaS) for developers, and the relatively new Google Cloud Run, to see how each performs for Docker container deployment. Achieve Cloud Elasticity with Iron Speak to us to…

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Google Cloud Run vs. Azure Container Instances

Google Cloud Run vs. Azure Container Instances

Deploying your container images on a serverless platform means less resource management and maintenance for you or your business. But which platform is the best? We explore Google Cloud Run and Microsoft Azure Container Instances (ACI) and discuss which cloud providers perform well with Docker images and which is the best value. Achieve Higher productivity…

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