IronWorker CaaS Worker: SideKiq Setup

IronWorker CaaS Worker: SideKiq Setup

In this article, we will tell you the steps you need to set up SideKiq for IronWorker.   to try a free 14 day trial of click here Setup Outline: Create a new Ruby Project Write the code Run the worker Queue a message Notes Security Pros & Cons Achieve Cloud Elasticity with Iron…

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IronWorker vs. Sidekiq


Overview Architecture: IronWorker is a server-less on-demand task processing solution for managing container-based workloads. Sidekiq is a background processing tool that handles various jobs at the same time. Language: IronWorker is “language agnostic.” It runs in a multi-language containerized environment. Sidekiq runs on Ruby. Scalability: IronWorker is a lot easier to scale than Sidekiq. Price: IronWorker…

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