Elastic, Highly Available Backend for Delayed Job: IronMQ
Want an easy, scalable, highly available, zero maintenance Delayed Job backend? Look no further. Here’s a Delayed Job (DJ) backend gem that uses IronMQ. You can set it up in minutes and never have to worry about it again:
Table of Contents
ToggleGetting Started
Get Your Iron.io Credentials
Sign up for an Iron.io account if you don’t already have one and add your credentials to an iron.json file or environment variables. You can read more about that here.
Add gem to Gemfile:
gem ‘delayed_job_ironmq’
That’s It, Now Use It as Your Normally Would
I did say it was easy right? Here’s a simple example of how to use it:
Start worker process:
rake jobs:work
In your model:
class User def background_stuff puts "I run in the background" end end
Now to run the background_stuff method in the background:
user = User.new user.delay.background_stuff
More Information
For more details and configuration options, check out the gem README. And here’s a demo Rails application that uses it so you can clone it and try it out.
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