Background jobs on Heroku

Background jobs on Heroku

Background jobs significantly enhance a web application’s scalability by allowing it to unload tedious or CPU-intensive activities from the front-end. This helps guarantee that the front-end can process incoming web requests quickly, minimizing the probability of performance problems caused by backlogged requests. This article discusses background jobs as an architectural model and references implementations, addons,…

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Are Message Queues in Linux Obsolete?

Are Message Queues in Linux Obsolete?

If you look for information on message queues in Linux, you’re likely to come across a mixed bag of information. Some imply they’re obsolete, others accuse them of being buggy, others still say they’re one of the most underutilized Unix resources. So, what do you believe? If you’re thinking about using a message queue in…

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Monitor AWS Lambda Functions Using Container Images

Monitor AWS Lambda Functions Using Container Images

Since its inception, the concept of a serverless ecosystem has fascinated developers. While making deploying applications faster and simpler than ever, serverless environments now offer a strategic means of building scalable, modern products. However, as organizations continue to rapidly adopt the latest in serverless tech, many developers are facing visibility gaps due to holes and…

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What Is a Messaging Queue and how can you utilise it?

What is a Messaging Queue?

A message queue plays an important role in distributed systems and containerized applications. With a message queue, you can set up asynchronous messaging between services, improving the function and efficiency of your microservices and serverless environments. The high-performance message queuing service provided by Iron can’t be beat. Start your 14-day free trialand continue reading to…

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Introduction to Message Queue Architecture

Message Queue Architecture

Before you can start to understand what a message queue is or how one works, it’s important to break down the two elements that make up a message queue: The Message: The message is a piece of data that passes between a sender and a receiver. It can be a plain message, status code, or a…

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Amazon SQS Alternatives

Amazon SQS Alternatives

Amazon Simple Queue Service, often called Amazon SQS, is a message queuing service that helps decouple microservices, containerized applications, and distributed systems, allowing developers to eliminate complexities and connect processes that need to collaborate and communicate with one another. Here’s a look at Amazon SQS alternatives, including the lightning fast IronMQ. Schedule a demo to…

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IronWorker CaaS Worker: SideKiq Setup

IronWorker CaaS Worker: SideKiq Setup

In this article, we will tell you the steps you need to set up SideKiq for IronWorker.   to try a free 14 day trial of click here Setup Outline: Create a new Ruby Project Write the code Run the worker Queue a message Notes Security Pros & Cons Achieve Cloud Elasticity with Iron…

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The Power of an Enterprise Messaging Queue

The Power of an Enterprise Messaging Queue

Enterprise messaging queues come in many flavors, but they all serve a similar purpose of enabling your disconnected systems to communicate with each other. Iron MQ is highly available, persistent by design, and offers the best in reliable communication and connectivity for all of your services and components. With Iron MQ, you’ll enjoy best effort…

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IronWorker CaaS Worker: Heroku Dyno Setup

IronWorker CaaS Worker: Heroku Dyno Setup

In this article, we will tell you the steps you need to set up Heroku Dyno for IronWorker. Setup Outline: Create a Heroku App Install Heroku CLI Deploy Your App Costs Notes Security Pros & Cons 1. Create a Heroku App On your Heroku dashboard, click on “Create new app”, specify the app name and…

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IronWorker CaaS Worker: Google Cloud Function Setup

IronWorker CaaS Worker: Google Cloud Function Setup

In this article, we will tell you the steps you need to set up Google Cloud Function for IronWorker. Setup Outline: Enable Cloud Functions API Create a Cloud Function Limits Costs Notes Security Pros & Cons 1. Enable Cloud Function API First, we need to enable Cloud Function API. Go to “APIs & Services” From…

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