Case Study: Astro Digital – DropCam for Space
Thanks to Eutelsat_SA for the base image! CC BY 2.0 Space, the final frontier. If only we could take selfies. Wait, what? We can? This is the service Astro Digital provides. A selfie-stick from space is my crude analogy. Turns out, there are better analogues. I had the pleasure of catching up with Bronwyn Agrios,…
Read MoreThe E.T. in ETL
Thanks to JD Hancock for the base image! CC BY 2.0 Anyone who’s ever done ETL knows it can get seriously funky. When I first started working on ETL, I was parsing data for a real estate company. Every once in awhile roofing data would appear in the pool field. “Shingles” isn’t a compelling feature…
Read MoreIntroducing Custom Docker Images, Private Docker Repositories and Environment Variables
We’re happy to announce three awesome new IronWorker features: Custom Docker Images for all and Docker is now the default code packaging mechanism Support for private Docker images on any Docker Registry, including Docker Hub Support for custom environment variables Table of Contents Custom Docker Image for All! Private Docker Repositories Environment Variables That’s it…
Read MoreCase Study: OutCast – A Mobile App for Marine Weather Forecasts
Overview We recently joined the OutCast team to chat about their app! What does it do, how does it work, and why is it so dang popular? OutCast is mobile weather and marine forecast application that is used by boaters, fishermen, divers, and other marine users to stay in touch with local weather and water…
Read MoreRunning IronWorker on Docker + Node.js + Windows
Exosphere champions best of breed cloud applications. In their own words, “We’ve set out on a mission, a quest if you will, to gather together the best small to medium applications in each class, and try to bolt them together in such a way that combined they form a powerful, user-friendly, complete core small business…
Read MoreAdrian Cockroft Wants You to Run Gauntlt
Thanks to David Goehring for the base image CC BY 2.0 Secure APIs with a robust ruggedization framework A few months ago Adrian Cockroft gave a keynote at devopsdays Amsterdam. In it, he recommended the use of Gauntlt. It’s a robust ruggedization framework for APIs. In plain English, Guantlt is an easy way to test…
Read MoreBest practices for ElePHPants coding in Go
Thanks to Guido da Rozza for the base image CC BY 2.0 I’ve often coded in PHP. Recently, I realized that when I code in Go, it’s easier to spot my PHPisms. After weeks of cleaning them up, it only takes a day to fry my brain with them again. I’m sure I’m not the…
Read MoreShepherding Containers
Thanks to Yahoo for the base image CC BY 2.0 Overview As one of the earliest users of Docker, I’ve had the pleasure of creating and working with multiple different platforms built on containers. Each platform has evolved in step with the current ecosystem around it, and I’ve gotten the chance to really put Docker’s…
Read MoreRight-sizing with Docker Stats and cAdvisor
Thanks to Jared for the base image CC BY 2.0 Overview Containers make life easy. Oh, you don’t have Ruby 2.2 installed? No problem, try this Docker image. Knowing what I tested on my local is exactly what’s running on production gives me warm fuzzies. Docker gets a lot of love because it simplifies development.…
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