Helpful hints: Pre-commit
I had a lot of fun sharing pre-commit with everyone earlier this week. In case you missed it, here’s a link. As a follow up, I whipped together a quick How-To video. In it, you’ll follow along as I add a pre-commit hook to a brand new Node.js project. Init a git repo locally, and you can the same…
Read MorePolyglot microservices need pre-commit + git
Microservices are great! Or, at least that’s what the internet keeps telling me. There are a lot of upsides, but there are more than a few challenges too. For example, microservices are a polyglot’s dream. Have a Rails app and a use case where Ruby seems a bit too slow? No problem, microservices and…
Read MoreFavorites from GitHub Universe
Remember when enterprise shied away from Open Source software? I sure do. The times they aren’t a changin’. Led to by the desire to cut costs and create better products, companies are embracing open source. Business today runs on a mix of open and closed solutions. Nowhere was this more apparent than at the inaugural…
Read MoreFAQ Series: What is an overlord-minion architecture?
What do you do when even batch processing can’t save you? Yaron suggests giving the overlord-minion pattern a try. The first step to speed is usually batch processing. All that’s needed there is a server + queue. When the server is ready to work, it grabs a batch of requests from the queue. This works…
Read MoreNotes from Gotham Go
Last week, I had the pleasure of joining gophers at Gotham Go. It was a incredibly dense single day of information. What follows is a quick impression of each talk, along with links to more detailed material. Special thanks to Peggy Li for tossing her notes on github! UPDATE: VODs are appearing online now. You…
Read MoreLearning from Facebook’s Outage
Thanks to Kārlis Dambrāns for providing the base image. CC BY 2.0 Facebook’s suffered three outages this month; two of which occurred within the span of a week. Ouch. If you know any folks on the FB ops team, now’s a good time to buy ‘em a beer. Whenever a blip like this appears, it’s…
Read MoreFAQ Series: What is batch processing?
What do you do when flooded with requests? One good solution is batch processing.
Read More2015 Container Summit notes and learnings, part 2
Yesterday we shipped part 1 of our Container Summit notes. Today is a continuation! We’ll share a few of the other talks we enjoyed. In this post you’ll find stories from Wall Street veterans, open source giants, and nimble challengers.
Read More2015 Container Summit notes and learnings, Part 1
A day ago I joined 700+ folks at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco to attend the 2015 Container Summit. Container’s are young, but one thing this event made clear is the forebears have been around quite a while. A favorite part of the summit was hearing war stories. That is, how containers are called on…
Read MoreErin McKean on Master/slave vs Primary/replica
Thanks to Vijayasarathi R. for the base image! CC BY 2.0 A couple months ago Drupal and Django switched from master/slave to new terminology. The goal was to adopt a term that’s more inclusive. When that happened, a big discussion kicked off around most of the Tech water coolers. With inclusiveness as a hot topic…
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