Best Key-Value Stores for Game Developers

Key-value store for game developers

Handling large volumes of dynamic data efficiently is a crucial challenge for a game developer. The difference between your game smoothly rendering on the fly versus crashing could come down to your choice of data storage. Moreover, your selection could impact your development cost and security considerations significantly. In this guide, we will delve into…

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Key-Value Stores vs Relational Databases

Key-value store vs relational database

As businesses grapple with an explosion of data, the stakes have never been higher. Data management has become a billion-dollar question, affecting everything from cost-efficiency to security and performance. This article will dissect two prominent data management systems – key-value stores and relational databases – to help you navigate this crucial decision. 5 key takeaways…

Read More Releases IronCache (Beta) is pleased to announce a soft-launch/beta release of IronCache, a hosted key/value data cache. It’s an elastic cloud-based solution built for storing short-term processing results and passing items between asynchronous processes. IronCache is useful for many situations where a database alone isn’t an optimal solution. The service is accessible via a simple HTTP interface…

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