Asynchronous Task Processing With Heroku

Asynchronous Task Processing With Heroku

Before exploring Asynchronous Task Processing With Heroku, we must understand what Asynchronous task processing is.  Asynchronous means you can execute numerous things at once and do not have to wait for one thing to end to unblock the other. You work in sync and work on several things simultaneously.   That’s the goal of the asynchronous…

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Know All About Autoscaling On Heroku

Know All About Autoscaling On Heroku

Autoscaling is a method used to manage the traffic on the network. When the outbound traffic on average is higher or lower, in each instance, the default triggers dynamically tend to autoscale and adjust the computational resources to meet the demand – typically, the number of servers that manage the load of the application.  So,…

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Asynchronous Task Processing in Cloud

Asynchronous Task Processing in Cloud

When you have an application that processes data with sizes ranging from small to large and if your system processes them one by one, there is a high chance that one of the tasks fails. This could lead to application breakage or high latency due to retry.    Imagine, you are now pushing the computing…

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Background jobs on Heroku

Background jobs on Heroku

Background jobs significantly enhance a web application’s scalability by allowing it to unload tedious or CPU-intensive activities from the front-end. This helps guarantee that the front-end can process incoming web requests quickly, minimizing the probability of performance problems caused by backlogged requests. This article discusses background jobs as an architectural model and references implementations, addons,…

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Heroku vs Docker: Which is Best for Developers?

Heroku vs Docker: Which is Best for Developers?

Heroku and Docker are both container-based development environments, ideal for developers to deploy applications without needing the resources required for virtual machines or physical servers. Containers are flexible, scalable, and because they contain a kernel of the operating system in each container, work seamlessly across a range of devices. But how do developers know which development environment is best for them?…

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Monitor ECS Applications on AWS Fargate With Datadog

Monitor ECS Applications on AWS Fargate With Datadog

Datadog and AWS Fargate together allow users to collect real-time, detailed ECS metrics about the containerized tasks they run. With Datadog Autodiscovery, you can even autodetect containerized services that use Fargate to configure the Datadog Agent for those services with no API or manual changes necessary. Iron’s serverless tools can bring you a greater level of flexibility,…

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Heroku vs AWS Fargate vs EC2 On-Demand vs EC2

Heroku vs AWS Fargate vs EC2 On-Demand vs EC2

When it comes to choosing container services, you have abundant options to explore. Heroku vs AWS Fargate vs EC2 On-Demand vs EC2 just scratches the surface. The following comparison should help you decide whether one of these services has the write Docker containers, Kubernetes, containerized virtual machines, and other features your organization needs for your…

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When to Know You Are Ready to go Serverless

When to Know you are ready to go serverless

Serverless computing is becoming more and more popular for a variety of reasons. It’s not just the latest trend either; based on new technology, serverless architecture is on the rise, and it’s going to continue to take over. That means you need to know what it’s about and when you might want to take advantage…

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Google Cloud Run vs. AWS Lambda

Google Cloud Run vs. AWS Lambda

Container computer services can bring exceptional flexibility and efficiency to your development process. By deploying applications via cloud containers, you don’t need to worry about whether users have compatible operating systems. Serverless cloud providers also help you to avoid the burden of managing a large, ever-changing IT infrastructure. Google Cloud Run and AWS Lambda stand out as…

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6 Development Tools for Serverless Applications

6 Development Tools for Serverless Applications

Introduction Serverless computing, also known as FaaS (function as a service), represents nothing short of a cloud computing revolution. By running functions on-demand rather than 24/7, businesses have leveraged serverless to do everything from improving the scalability of their web apps to optimize their cloud resource costs. For many organizations, switching to serverless computing is a…

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