AWS Fargate CloudWatch Logging Issue

How to Get Started with AWS Fargate: A Complete Guide Tutorial and Next Steps

AWS Fargate, despite its popularity, has a number of deficiencies. One issue that is commonly mentioned is the Fargate CloudWatch logging issue. This article will explore those issues and offer alternatives. Highlights include: Understanding CloudWatch logs How Fargate introduces CloudWatch log inconsistencies Alternatives to AWS Fargate Table of Contents CloudWatch Logging Inconsistencies: A Drawback of…

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How to Escape The Lambda 512MB /tmp Storage Limitation


Escape The Lambda 512MB /tmp Storage Limitation Frustrated with the AWS Lambda 512MB temp storage limitation? Lambda by Amazon Web Services is often touted as one of the most popular serverless solutions, but the frustratingly low 512MB storage limit in the /tmp directory leaves a lot of people looking for a better option. If you…

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On Prem Software Overview

What is “On Prem” Software? “On prem” is short for “on premises.” On prem used to be the commonplace approach for software deployment before cloud computing was available. This term often comes up during conversations about the cloud. That’s why understanding exactly what on prem is and how it relates to your IT infrastructure is…

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Build a Fail-Safe Message Queue


Overview: Message queues determine how your network functions. But many networks’ message queue infrastructures are surprisingly fragile. When one link on the chain fails, the entire system can function unexpectedly, or even fail outright. To prevent these problems, you need to make sure your message queue is fail-safe — and harnessing the power of the…

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DevOps: What is the Future of DevOps?

future of devops

The term “DevOps” is a phrase that was coined by Patrick Debois approximately ten years ago. It is used to describe the methodology behind operation and development engineers working together from design to development. Developing a strong understanding of DevOps allows you to experience improvements regarding the efficiency and quality of the development of your…

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Best DevOps Tools

DevOps Tools

DevOps processes help companies to overcome the organizational challenges in an efficient, robust, and repeatable way. DevOps tools are a collection of complementary, task-specific tools that can be combined to automate processes. IronWorker and IronMQ are two DevOps tools from that can help your business save money and scale on demand. The following solutions…

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DevOps Best Practices

DevOps Best Practices

Evolution is the key to survival. This is not only true for living organisms but also for companies. DevOps is a set of tools and practices that help speed up the development and operationalization of software products. This allows companies to better serve their customers by providing them with high-quality products. Essentially, this helps beat…

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What is DevOps? A Comprehensive Guide

What Is DevOps

DevOps is a buzzword that sometimes means different things depending on who you ask. The actual definition of DevOps is a compound of development (Dev) and operations (Ops), DevOps is the union of people, process, and technology to continually provide value to customers. DevOps teams from startups to large enterprise have been using solutions…

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Overview of AWS Fargate

Overview of AWS Fargate

AWS Fargate is a serverless container management service (container as a service) that allows developers to focus on their application and not their infrastructure. While AWS Fargate does help with container orchestration, it does leave areas of concern where IronWorker fills the void.   This article will provide an overview of what is AWS Fargate. It…

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Simple way to offload container-based background jobs


Table of Contents What are container-based background jobs? Why are container-based background jobs important to developers? Do container-based background jobs help companies scale? What is a Saas company that provides a simple easy-to-use application to offload container-based background jobs? Achieve Cloud Elasticity with Iron Speak to us to find how you can achieve cloud elasticity…

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