What is RabbitMQ?

RabbitMQ vs IronMQ (What is RabbitMQ)

Message queues enable software applications to connect and scale, allowing asynchronous communication between systems with varying throughputs. What is RabbitMQ? It’s a message queue tool that connects applications to exchange messages, facilitating scalability and stability for a competitive edge. This article delves into RabbitMQ, its usage, and compares it to Iron.io’s IronMQ.   The 3…

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A Guide to Python Message Queues | Iron.io


Did you know that Iron.io supports a huge range of programming languages, including Ruby, PHP, and Python? That’s why we get a lot of queries about Python message queues and their functionality. Python is a popular language for web and software development, workflow creation, and the development of web-based applications. We’ve taken a look at how Python…

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Message Queue vs Streaming

Message Queue vs Streaming

Message queues and streams have some subtle differences that can easily leave a developer scratching their head. While the differences may seem small at first, they’re enough to give streams and queues very different use cases, when implemented in the most optimal manner. IronMQ is a flexible, fast message queue solution. Start your 14-day free trial…

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Fastest Messaging Queue: IronMQ is 10x Faster Than RabbitMQ

Track Race Finish Line

We wrote IronMQ from the ground up as a cloud-agnostic message queue service with a focus on performance and easy deployment and management. Since its inception, we’ve put all our highest volume customers on it, some doing billions of message requests per day. As our technology continues to evolve, it’s important that we continue to measure our success…

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Notifications in web apps: Mailgun and Twilio on Heroku

Notifications in web apps: Mailgun and Twilio on Heroku

In web applications, sending and receiving notifications is an important feature among many functionalities. With notification features, you can quickly reach out to many people and let them be informed of major events and updates regarding your applications and products. This eventually leads to improved customer experiences and faster response time by your team members.…

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Message Queuing on Heroku

Message Queuing on Heroku

If you are looking for a way to efficiently exchange information between different services, then message queues are exactly what you need. By using message queues, you can be sure that your data will be delivered to the recipient quickly and reliably. IronMQ is the Heroku Add-on that implements message queues simple, fast and reliable.…

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Best Alternative Hosted Message Queue Service

Best alternative Hosted Message Queue service

What is a Message Queue? A message queue is a part of messaging processing systems that allows data interchange between independent applications and services. Message queues preserve “messages” (packets of data created by applications for consumption by other applications) in the order they are transmitted until the consuming application can process them. It allows messages…

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Are Message Queues in Linux Obsolete?

Are Message Queues in Linux Obsolete?

If you look for information on message queues in Linux, you’re likely to come across a mixed bag of information. Some imply they’re obsolete, others accuse them of being buggy, others still say they’re one of the most underutilized Unix resources. So, what do you believe? If you’re thinking about using a message queue in…

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What Is a Messaging Queue and how can you utilise it?

What is a Messaging Queue?

A message queue plays an important role in distributed systems and containerized applications. With a message queue, you can set up asynchronous messaging between services, improving the function and efficiency of your microservices and serverless environments. The high-performance message queuing service provided by Iron can’t be beat. Start your 14-day free trialand continue reading to…

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Introduction to Message Queue Architecture

Message Queue Architecture

Before you can start to understand what a message queue is or how one works, it’s important to break down the two elements that make up a message queue: The Message: The message is a piece of data that passes between a sender and a receiver. It can be a plain message, status code, or a…

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