How to Flush a Postfix Mail Queue

How to Flush a Postfix Mail Queue

Many companies turn to Postfix as their mail transfer agent (MTA). As a free and open-source tool, Postfix is a reliable solution for routing and delivering electronic mail at scale. During routine administration, Postfix users may need to view, flush, and purge their mail queues. These actions are basic in concept but enable a user…

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Sending emails from Heroku Apps

Sending emails from Heroku Apps

Almost any modern application has the function of sending emails. You can send personalized email notifications to your customers, as well as send out marketing or newsletter emails. In this case, you need a tool that makes it easy and simple. The IronMQ Heroku add-on allows you to add emails to the message queue and…

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Message Queuing on Heroku

Message Queuing on Heroku

If you are looking for a way to efficiently exchange information between different services, then message queues are exactly what you need. By using message queues, you can be sure that your data will be delivered to the recipient quickly and reliably. IronMQ is the Heroku Add-on that implements message queues simple, fast and reliable.…

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Asynchronous Task Processing With Heroku

Asynchronous Task Processing With Heroku

Before exploring Asynchronous Task Processing With Heroku, we must understand what Asynchronous task processing is.  Asynchronous means you can execute numerous things at once and do not have to wait for one thing to end to unblock the other. You work in sync and work on several things simultaneously.   That’s the goal of the asynchronous…

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IronWorker CaaS Worker: SideKiq Setup

IronWorker CaaS Worker: SideKiq Setup

In this article, we will tell you the steps you need to set up SideKiq for IronWorker.   to try a free 14 day trial of click here Setup Outline: Create a new Ruby Project Write the code Run the worker Queue a message Notes Security Pros & Cons Achieve Cloud Elasticity with Iron…

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The Power of an Enterprise Messaging Queue

The Power of an Enterprise Messaging Queue

Enterprise messaging queues come in many flavors, but they all serve a similar purpose of enabling your disconnected systems to communicate with each other. Iron MQ is highly available, persistent by design, and offers the best in reliable communication and connectivity for all of your services and components. With Iron MQ, you’ll enjoy best effort…

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IronWorker CaaS Worker: Google Cloud Function Setup

IronWorker CaaS Worker: Google Cloud Function Setup

In this article, we will tell you the steps you need to set up Google Cloud Function for IronWorker. Setup Outline: Enable Cloud Functions API Create a Cloud Function Limits Costs Notes Security Pros & Cons 1. Enable Cloud Function API First, we need to enable Cloud Function API. Go to “APIs & Services” From…

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IronWorker CaaS Worker: Azure Function Setup


In this article, we will tell you the steps you need to set up Azure Function for IronWorker. Setup Outline: Create Function App Create the Function Function Code Limits Costs Notes Security Pros & Cons In Azure Function, we need first to create a Function app which is the logical management and execution container for…

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IronWorker CaaS Worker: AWS Fargate Setup

IronWorker CaaS Worker: AWS Fargate Setup

In this article, we will tell you the steps you need to set up AWS Fargate for IronWorker. Setup Outline: Store Docker Image on ECR Creating the Task Definition Create the ECS Cluster Create Task service Limits Security AWS Fargate Cost Achieve Cloud Elasticity with Iron Speak to us to find how you can achieve…

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Integration: Sendgrid and


Integrate SendGrid With for Effective Email Marketing Experts predict that humans will send and receive nearly 320 billion emails every day in 2021. Customer communication platforms like SendGrid make it easy for organizations to send messages to customers and clients via the cloud. There’s no need for an email server. Sometimes, emails can build up in queues on a…

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