Why Mentor Graphics replaced SQS with IronMQ


[This post is part of a series of customer success stories that Chad Arimura is putting together highlighting key customers and how they are using Iron.io to do some pretty big things.] Mentor Graphics [NASDAQ: MENT] is a leader in electronic design and automation software. They enable companies to develop better electronic products faster and…

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How Munzee Keeps Gameplay Real with IronMQ


This post is part of a series of customer success stories highlighting key customers and how they are using Iron.io to do some pretty big things. Munzee is a 21st century scavenger hunt that utilizes iOS, Android, and Windows Mobile apps to create a modern-day, high-tech adventure game. Munzee QR Codes and NFC Tags are captured…

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Message Queues, Background Processing and the End of the Monolithic App (reposted from Heroku blog)


Here’s a post of ours on message queuing and background processing that we published on the Heroku blog the other day. Definitely worth checking out if you believe like us that distributed multi-tier architectures are the future of production-scale cloud applications. Iron.io Guest Post on Heroku Message Queues, Background Processing and the End of the Monolithic…

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IronSharp — .NET Client Library for Iron.io (a contribution from a user)


IronSharp is a great new contribution from a long-time supporter and user of IronMQ, IronWorker, and IronCache. Jeremy Bell created IronSharp to provide updated access in .NET to all Iron.io services. It’s a simple solid library that wraps the API calls for IronMQ, IronWorker, and IronCache and includes support for the latest Iron.io features. (It…

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How Vextras Integrates Multiple API’s with Iron.io


[This post is part of a series of customer success stories that Chad Arimura is putting together highlighting key customers and how they are using Iron.io to do some pretty big things.] Vextras develops applications that help e-commerce store owners simplify their business processes. Their solutions connect online stores with other great SaaS apps like…

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How Untappd Reduced App Response Times with Iron.io


[This post is part of a series of customer success stories that Chad Arimura is putting together highlighting key customers and how they are using Iron.io to do some pretty big things.] Untappd is a mobile location based service for beer lovers that allows users to log, rate and discover new beers, venues and people.…

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Event Handling with .NET, RaventDB, and IronMQ


The other day we blogged about a map-reduce contribution from the Iron.io community. Here’s another great contribution from an Iron.io user which highlights handling commit transactions within a database all the while coordinating downstream events using a message queue.  Jef Claes is a developer in Belgium that has written a few things about IronMQ in…

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IronMQ Fan-out Support


You can now add queues and workers as subscribers to your IronMQ queues so now a single message post can be pushed onto multiple queues and/or start IronWorker tasks. This is often referred to as “fan-out” and opens up a lot of interesting possibilities such as: Multiple consumers of a single message. Better decoupling by…

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