@ BoxWorks 2012 is proud to be a part of the Partner Alley at BoxWorks 2012. The conference is Oct 7-9 and has an impressive set of speakers and topics.

Tues, Oct 9th is Developer Day and we're excited to be a part of it. Here's a brief description of what's happening that day.

Developer Day is a brand new BoxWorks event designed for developers that want to stay on the cutting edge of enterprise software development. It's more than just a chance to learn about the Box platform - it's the place to go if you want to understand what it takes to build the next great enterprise application.

A Good Set of Partners

We'll be alongside some other top companies including DocuSign, Appcelerator, Firebase,  Parse, Twilio, Stripe, and SendGrid. Each partner adds tremendous value when it comes to creating business applications.


When paired with Box and their platform for secure, scalable content-sharing, the possibilities to use readily available apps, services, and datastores in combination to connect workgroups, companies, vendors, partners, customers, and other third parties are increased even more. in the Mix fits into the mix by providing elastic services for asynchronous task processing, message and event handling, data caching, and job scheduling. Think of it as an on-demand and highly scalable compute cloud and service bus.

As applications move away from being solitary monolithic web apps and into a world of distributed  applications, endpoints, devices, and data stores, there needs to be layer that can easily and reliably connect them. But it's not just a message queue or a simple message bus. Processing is a necessary part of a distributed world – whether it's tasks that run as part of posting or pulling items off a queue or as tasks that are scheduled, run in the background, or are kicked off asynchronously by mobile apps, connected devices, or specific events.

And when you have lots of tasks running asynchronously, you also have the need for storing and sharing data between processes. That's where a cache comes. All this, of course, means that the combination of IronMQ, IronWorker, and IronCache is a great fit for the Box platform.

Hope to See You There

We're pleased to be a part of the BoxWorks 2012 Developer Day. Hope to see you there.

UPDATE: If you're planning on going, use this code – BX12DEVPARTNER. It's good for $100 off on your ticket.

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