Save the Date: DockerCon 2019 Meet-up & Drink-Up

Mark your calendars next week for an awesome 3-day conference that brings the container technology community together to learn, share and connect. DockerCon 2019 will consist of workshops, keynotes, expo hall and of course a few drink-ups. (Our team will be co-hosting one of them!) You can expect a variety of attendees from across the world including C-level executives, systems admins, architects and developers.
Docker and Iron

So, what is Docker to Iron? Iron’s Worker product is a hosted background job solution that lets you run your containers with dynamic scale and detailed analytics. It has the ability to run short lived containers quickly, or even containers needing to work across multiple days. Think of it as serverless containers. (Plus it’s deployable in any environment, cloud, hybrid or on-premise.) While we have expanded its capabilities, IronWorker was built around Docker containers and has a long-standing relationship with Docker, so it’s only natural for to be there.
The Drink-up is teaming up with CircleCI and Sauce Labs from 5:00PM – 8:00PM for a drink-up on Wednesday, May 1st. Whether you are attending DockerCon or will just be in the Bay area, we would love to meet up. It will not only be a great time, but a great opportunity to network and chat over drinks. Rumor has it that vintage board games might make some appearances as well.

We look forward to seeing you there!
Don’t forget to RSVP to the drink-up so that we can check you in at the door!