Monitoring Google Cloud Run With Datadog

Monitoring Google Cloud Run With Datadog

Running stateless containers with Google Cloud Run eliminates the need to manage infrastructure. Instead, you can opt for either a fully-managed Cloud Run instance or use Cloud Run for Anthos, Google’s platform for self-managing containers across on-premise, hybrid, multi-cloud Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) infrastructure. If you use Cloud Run, you’ll find that deploying a container is easy. Simply specify the…

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IronWorker CaaS Worker: SideKiq Setup

IronWorker CaaS Worker: SideKiq Setup

In this article, we will tell you the steps you need to set up SideKiq for IronWorker.   to try a free 14 day trial of click here Setup Outline: Create a new Ruby Project Write the code Run the worker Queue a message Notes Security Pros & Cons Achieve Cloud Elasticity with Iron…

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IronWorker CaaS Worker: Heroku Dyno Setup

IronWorker CaaS Worker: Heroku Dyno Setup

In this article, we will tell you the steps you need to set up Heroku Dyno for IronWorker. Setup Outline: Create a Heroku App Install Heroku CLI Deploy Your App Costs Notes Security Pros & Cons 1. Create a Heroku App On your Heroku dashboard, click on “Create new app”, specify the app name and…

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IronWorker CaaS Worker: Google Cloud Function Setup

IronWorker CaaS Worker: Google Cloud Function Setup

In this article, we will tell you the steps you need to set up Google Cloud Function for IronWorker. Setup Outline: Enable Cloud Functions API Create a Cloud Function Limits Costs Notes Security Pros & Cons 1. Enable Cloud Function API First, we need to enable Cloud Function API. Go to “APIs & Services” From…

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IronWorker CaaS Worker: Cloudflare Worker Setup

IronWorker CaaS Worker: Cloudflare Worker Setup

Setup Outline: Create a Worker Write Worker Code Limits Cloudflare workers costs Notes Security Pros & Cons If you are not familiar with Cloudflare or what it does, it’s mainly DNS that allows you to setup more security on the domain level, DDoS protection, and increases your site performance through its CDN. In a basic…

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IronWorker CaaS Worker: Celery Setup

IronWorker CaaS Worker: Celery Setup

In this article, we will tell you the steps you need to set up Celery for IronWorker. Setup Outline: Create a new Python project Write the code Run the Celery worker Queue a message Notes Pros & Cons Celery is a tasks worker in python; it can work with Redis, RabbitMQ, or other Message-Queues. To…

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IronWorker CaaS Worker: Azure Function Setup


In this article, we will tell you the steps you need to set up Azure Function for IronWorker. Setup Outline: Create Function App Create the Function Function Code Limits Costs Notes Security Pros & Cons In Azure Function, we need first to create a Function app which is the logical management and execution container for…

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IronWorker CaaS Worker: Azure Container Setup

IronWorker CaaS Worker: Azure Container Setup

In this article, we will tell you the steps you need to set up Azure Container for IronWorker. Setup Outline: Create Container Instance Trigger the App Limits Container Instances Costs Notes Security Pros & Cons 1. Crate Container Insurance From the top search input search for “Container instances”, and click on “Create” on the container…

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Integration: Twilio and


How Integrating Twilio with Improves Scheduling  Nearly 150,000 businesses use Twilio to send and receive phone calls, texts, and other messages. (It’s one of the most popular communications platforms in the world.) Twilio has limitations, however, such as no scheduling feature for calls and texts. IronWorker lets you schedule messages on Twilio for more effective communication.…

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