#IronHack Showcase

During these holidays We here at Iron.io challenged programmers sipping on eggnog, snowed in, stuck in airports, hanging out in sweatpants, and mellowing out to the third marathon of Home Alone to hack on a project for the holidays. https://www.hackerleague.org/hackathons/the-iron-holiday-hack These are some of the projects we wanted to share with the public! HN Sentiment…

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How Kuhcoon uses IronWorker and Node.js to improve social media advertising


[This post is part of a series of customer success stories that Chad Arimura is putting together highlighting key customers and how they are using Iron.io to do some pretty big things.] Kuhcoon offers a suite of tools built around the management and optimization of social media advertising for businesses. They provide two tools – a…

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How a simple Node.js project turned into Iron Scheduler (guest post)


This is a guest post from David Hessing, Director of Data Analytics at Appirio, on how a simple project to teach himself Node.js turned into Iron Scheduler, a powerful scheduling tool built on top of IronWorker.    The Power of Task Processing in the Cloud [David Hessing] I remember coming across Iron.io’s services and immediately being intrigued. IronWorker…

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Why Mentor Graphics replaced SQS with IronMQ


[This post is part of a series of customer success stories that Chad Arimura is putting together highlighting key customers and how they are using Iron.io to do some pretty big things.] Mentor Graphics [NASDAQ: MENT] is a leader in electronic design and automation software. They enable companies to develop better electronic products faster and…

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Hackathons: Beyond the Prizes


Here in San Francisco hackathons are common place — you can find one most every weekend.The basic premise of a hackathon is to show up, build an app in 24-48 hours, and go home. All food and drink is taken care of and sleep is frowned upon, though a couple hours of nap time is suggested. The…

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How Munzee Keeps Gameplay Real with IronMQ


This post is part of a series of customer success stories highlighting key customers and how they are using Iron.io to do some pretty big things. Munzee is a 21st century scavenger hunt that utilizes iOS, Android, and Windows Mobile apps to create a modern-day, high-tech adventure game. Munzee QR Codes and NFC Tags are captured…

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Message Queues, Background Processing and the End of the Monolithic App (reposted from Heroku blog)


Here’s a post of ours on message queuing and background processing that we published on the Heroku blog the other day. Definitely worth checking out if you believe like us that distributed multi-tier architectures are the future of production-scale cloud applications. Iron.io Guest Post on Heroku Message Queues, Background Processing and the End of the Monolithic…

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GoSF Talk: Travis Reeder on Go after 2 Years in Production

Travis Reeder, Iron.io’s CTO, gave a talk recently at a GoSF meetup on Iron.io’s use of Go. We’re big proponents of Go, using it for all our backend components and have written or talked about our experiences in a number of places (here, here, and here). Travis’ talk here is a compilation of a number…

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More Go Use in Production (Pivotal CF)


Travis Reeder, Iron.io co-founder and CTO, was at DevBeat 2013 on Tuesday talking about Iron.io’s use of Go language for our API services and backend functionality. (We use Ruby and other languages for workers and our app framework but Go has a special place here for things that need to run fast and handle high…

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