IronMQ Now Available on Rackspace ORD (Chicago)

We’re happy to announce that IronMQ is now available in the Rackspace Chicago (ORD) region. A year and a half ago, we launched IronMQ on Rackspace in their Dallas / Fort Worth (DFW) region and today we’re expanding our footprint into another Rackspace data center. Our mission for IronMQ is to be the message queue for the…

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A Difficult Month – Post Mortem


As some of you may know, we had a pretty bad month starting May 15th and ending June 14th. IronMQ on AWS us-east had intermittent outages and degraded performance due to an edge case flaw that was exposed after a year and a half of solid service. Generally these were pretty short outages, but they…

Read More Announces Agent Processing for Powering New Relic Plugins


Today announces powerful agent processing capabilities for powering third-party plugins for the New Relic Platform. New Relic has opened up its SaaS service to provide building blocks for creating monitoring capabilities for any technology or service. Performance metrics from IT components and cloud services can now be brought directly into New Relic and viewed…

Read More Metrics + New Relic Platform = Increased Nerd Power


Part 1: Metrics now in the New Relic Platform is pleased to announce its participation as a New Relic Platform partner. As of today, has opened up a gateway for customers to send IronMQ performance data to the New Relic Platform. This means that metrics can be viewed within New Relic’s…

Read More @ HackTheMidwest → Half Empty App Wins API Prize


The Hack the Midwest hackathon was this past weekend (June 15-16th) in Kansas City. The theme was “Build Something Epic” and from the looks of the projects the 30+ teams put together, that certainly proved true.   Among the many deserving winners was Half Empty? – which won the winner of the API Prize (a…

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SendGrid + IronMQ: The Power of Webhook-Centric Architectures


A suite of examples showcasing the power of webhooks using and SendGrid. At, we believe strongly that there is a new model of application architectures that is becoming not only viable, but the most powerful way to build your application. More and more applications will be built not using static servers and direct integrations, but instead…

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GoSF Meetup: Canonical + Go 1.1 + a growing Go community


Travis Reeder from kicks off the GoSF Meetup (5/9) is the lead organizer of GoSF – which is a meetup specially centered around Go programming language. GoSF has been around for just over a year and it’s apparent it’s becoming a key group within the developer community. We base this view not just on the…

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Blacksmith – an IronMQ client for .NET


Blacksmith is a .NET client for IronMQ that was created by Khalid Abuhakmeh from Aqua Bird Consulting. Khalid recently posted a great article on the reasons behind it and how to use it. Blog Post on BlackSmith (Tech.Pro) What’s interesting is that Aqua Bird added some capabilities of their own into the client including serialization specific to .Net as…

Read More @ HackTheMidwest

blank will be an API sponsor at the upcoming HackTheMidwest on June 15-16th, 2013 in Kansas City. The event is put on by Kansas City IT Professionals, a grass-roots group of 10,000 strong (the heavy lifting is largely the efforts of Michael Gelphman, hackathon/tech event producer extraordinaire.) The goal is to bring small teams of developers and…

Read More @ Civic Data Challenge

blank is thrilled to be a sponsor of the Civic Data Challenge. It’s both a cool tech challenge – its prime goal is to turn raw data around ‘civic health’ into useful applications and visualizations AND a worthwhile cause – providing a great forum to directly impact public decision-making. It’s put on by the NCoC…

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